2008 m. gegužės 11 d., sekmadienis


The aim of this writing is to assess my ESP learning.
In my point of you, I am quite good at writing summaries. Although, sometimes it is difficult to understand a context of the text and to express basic points. I think, that my ESP vocabulary is not bad. I have learnt a lot of new words which are considered with my profession. But sometimes it is difficult to use them while I am talking. Another writing skill is dictation. Sometimes I have some problems with dictation. I can't exactly to hear what is saying. However, it is good thay I can understand the mane idea. I haven't no difficulties with contribution to weblogs, it is easy for me.
In my opinion, I have some problems with participation in class discusions. It is so because sometimes I am affraid to talk in class and it is difficult to express my opinion. I think that I haven't no problems with presentations. The most difficult thing for me is to find information which is necessary. In my opinion, speaking in pairs it is a good idea to improve my speaking and I am quite good at it.
In my point of you, usually I haven't no problems with listening activities in class. It is not difficult to understand the text if it isn't in authentic English. Mostly, I can understand listening text and do exercises, especially when I haer the text twice. However, when I have to listen to podcasts it is more difficult, because speakers talk very fast, there are many unknown words and I can't understand mane ideas. I think, that I should practise more and everything willl be good.
In my opinion, usually I can understand home reading texts, although, sometimes there are unknown words which I should translate. I think that it is good that I can understand basic points. Class reading is not too difficult for me. Comprehension exercises usually I can do easily. Talking about computer tasks it is not difficult to do and understand them but sometimes I have problems when I have to find some information online. In my opinion, bilingual quizzes are good because I can improve my vocabulary.
In conclusion, it can be stated that my English isn't good enough. I want to improve it. The most difficult thing for me is talking but I think that I will be able to cope with this problem.

2008 m. gegužės 2 d., penktadienis

Intellectual property

Nowadays the protection of intellectual property is a serious problem all over the world.
Intellectual property can be defined as the art, music, literature, technology which are created by person's intellect. Intellectual property can be protected by using patents and copyrights. Trademark is a kind of intellectual property which companies use, in order, to help sell production. In order, to enforce intellectual property law are some international convensions: Universal Copyright Convension, the Bern Convension and the Patent Corporation Treaty. Sometimes it is possible to make a photocopy of someone else's work and it is known as a concept of fair dealing.
To sum up, intellectual property should be protected as it is possible to do.

2008 m. balandžio 19 d., šeštadienis

Other recent shootings at schools

Text is about shootings at schools from 1997 till 2001 year in USA.
Shootings at schools were made by adolescences who were from 6 to 19 years old. Some of the victim's were shot dead, other were wounded. Young children commit cruel crimes for some reasons. One criminals are mentally ill, want to revenge for a person, other have easy access to the gun. Some of the offenders were sentenced to life imprisonment, other should spend just few years in prison, one 6 year old boy was not charged because of his age.
In conclusion, it can be stated: some juveniles are mentally unstable, can not control their actions and do not understand consequences.

2008 m. balandžio 11 d., penktadienis

Judicial institutions in England and in Lithuania

The aim of this writing is to define judicial institutions in England and in Lithuania, to find differences and similarities too.
The highest court in England is the House of Lords which deals with all matters. The Court of Appeal is divided into Criminal and Civil divisions. Next is the High Court which is divided into divisions too. There are Queen's Bench Division which considers appeals from lower courts, Chancery Division deals with disputes about trusts, the property and the Family divison deals with family matters. Also there are the Crown Courts which deal with criminal matters and Count Court with civil. Finally, the lowest criminal court is a Magistrate Court which has a right to hear certain cases only.
The highest court in Lithuania is the Supreme Court. It reviews effective judgements, rulings and orders of the courts of general jurisdiction. The Court of Appeal is appeal instance for the cases heard by regional courts. District courts deals with criminal, civil cases. Regional courts are instance for criminal, civil cases and appeal instance for judgements, rulings, decisions. Also there are Regional administrative courts - special jurisdiction for hearing complaints, the Supreme Administrative Court is instance for administrative cases assigned to its jurisdiction by law and the Constitutional Court.
The difference between England and Lithuania judicial institutions is that in England there are jury and in Lithuania aren't. There is the Constitutional Court in Lithuania but in England isn't because it hasn't writen Constitution. However, there are some similarities too. In both countries there are witnesses, the Court of Appeal, the highest courts, County courts and both countries have Civil and Criminal divisions.
So in conclusion, it can be stated that there are more differences between England and Lithuania judicial institutions.

2008 m. kovo 8 d., šeštadienis

Prisons in UK and Lithuania

I am going to talk about prisons in UK and in Lithuania. The mane difference between these country is that in UK are about 160 jails and in Lithuania just one prison. Firstly, I want to talk about UK prisons.
There are more than 85.000 prisoners. More than 17.000 prisoners were sentenced for violent crimes, 10.000 were found guilty of drug offences and about 8.500 of burglary. Many jails have more prisoners than their target limit. In early 2007, some prisoners were being held in court and police cells because jails were full.
RECEPTION AND FIRST NIGHT. All prisoners pass through reception, which is responsible for checking identies and motoring numbers. New arrivals are seen by a nurse in order to check their healf and those coming of drugs. ACCOMODATION. Accomodation varies between prisons ranging form from dormitories to cells. A tipical ring will include reacreation areas, showers and food survey. Cells have toilets and are allowed to have TV. EXERCISE. All prisoners have sport facilities to encourage exercise and good healf. The gym is used by about 70% of prisoners.
The rights and freedoms of prisoners are determined by several factors. First, prisoners are bound by Prison Rules. They are also categorised according to there security risk and depending on this categirisation, restrictions may be placed on their freedom.
Now I want to talk about Lithuania. There is one jail Lukiskes which was built in 1904. There are kept men and women. Some of the prisoners are sentenced to life imprisonmet. As I heard, now there are about 90 prisoners who are sentenced to life imprisonment.
In my opinion, prisoners have quite good living conditions: they can have TV, computer, radio in there cells, also there are bed, toilet and other accomodation. EDUCATION. All prisoners have access to education. They can study at university, get books and learn from them.
According to prisons category it depends how much freedom they have. If they are in a simple caregory they can be visited by family members, have more phone calls and have other freedoms.
So it can be stated that prisons in UK and in Lithuania have some similarities and differences too.

2008 m. vasario 17 d., sekmadienis

Civil and criminal law

Civil and criminal law have differences and similarities too.

Criminal law regulates people's acts against the state, civil law regulates disputes among citizens and a country. Criminal and civil procedures are not the same. The standarts of proof in criminal law are bigger than in civil law. In a civil law, firstly, a person commites a civil wrong and a plaintiff brings a civil action against the defendant. If the plaintiff wins in the proceeding the defenant will be found liable and should award damages. A criminal case is brought by the prosecution. Ih the defendant looses a criminal case he can be punished to life imprisonment, to pay a fine or legal costs of the prosecution. On the other hand, there are some similarities between criminal and civil law. If a looser of a civil law refuses to pay amount of money to a winner of the action it could result in a criminal prosecution for the looser.

It can be stated that civil and criminal law are related with each other, although, there are some differences.